Billy Vibart

Royal Life Saving Community Trainer Billy Vibart, who is also the Aquatics Supervisor at the Bay of Isles Leisure Centre in Esperance, spoke to us about how he started in the industry.

Community Trainer Billy Vibart

"My parents were both swimming instructors, with mum being a well respected centre/regional supervisor for the Department of Education's VacSwim program.

This is how I got my first look into industry; from here I gained employment as a teenager at the end of 2009 as a lifeguard and progressed to become a swimming instructor in early 2011. Teaching every afternoon and on Saturday mornings I was rapidly gaining hours of experience.

It was around this time I began instructing Bronze Medallion courses and Resuscitation courses for Royals. In 2019, I completed my Certificate IV in Training & Assessment to be able to deliver courses such as Provide First Aid and Pool Lifeguard.

Being a trainer for the past 10 years has provided many opportunities and given me many experiences.

I am passionate about training as it is super rewarding knowing the skills and knowledge you are providing others has the potential to save lives, and that what you teach someone has the ability to impact not only their own life but the lives of others.
If you're not already a trainer and are thinking about it, I would highly recommend!"



You can learn more about becoming a Community Trainer like Billy at the link below.

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Four young persons at the swimming pool with lifesaving equipment

Bronze Medallion

Learn how to become a qualified lifesaver. This training will enhance your personal survival skills while providing you with the knowledge and skills to develop the level of judgement, technique and physical ability required to safely carry out water rescues.

Click here to read more