Drowning prevention tips

man doing a backflip off a boat into the water 

Royal Life Saving WA wants everyone to safely enjoy aquatic activities all year round!  Here are our top water safety tips:

Never swim alone

  • Swimming by yourself is risky
  • Always swim with a mate so someone is there to assist should you get into trouble
  • You may be a great swimmer and think 'nothing will happen to me', but no swim is worth your life
  • If no one can go with you, tell friends, a partner or parents where you're going and what time you'll be back in case something happens

Alcohol and water don't mix

  • Your chance of drowning increases with every sip of alcohol
  • Alcohol affects your coordination, judgement, vision, balance and decision making
  • You can still enjoy the two activities however if you are around water avoid alcohol

Know the conditions

  • Every waterway has different requirements, safety and conditions
  • Always check the conditions before heading into the water
  • If you're unsure whether the water is safe to swim in, the best choice is not to

Wear a lifejacket

  • Studies have found that wearing a lifejacket doubles a person's chance of survival once immersed in water 
  • It's better to be safe than sorry, so chuck on a lifejacket when out on the water

Learn swimming and water safety skills

  • It's vital that all Australians learn to Swim and Survive. Swimming and water safety skills are crucial in our community where activities in, on and around water are so popular!
  • If you aren't a confident swimmer, always wear a lifejacket when taking part in water activities – it could save your life.

Learn CPR

  • It's important to know the skills to save someone's life – everyone can be a lifesaver! 
  • In an emergency, respond quickly to increase the chance of survival
  • Call 000 and begin CPR

 white icon of CPR

Learn CPR and save a life!

Research shows CPR can double or triple a person’s chance of survival.

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School holiday fun that could save a life!

Kids first aid a school holiday activity

Looking for a school holiday activity for your kids? Check out our full day Kids First Aid course!

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Get your Bronze

Four young persons at the swimming pool with lifesaving equipment

Bronze Medallion courses are regularly conducted throughout the year. Find a course near you.

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5 children post swim lessons sitting on bench 

Visit an Endorsed Swim School today.

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